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Diagnosing Your Plumbing Issues

Plumbing issues are not fun, and these issues can affect your ability to flush the toilet, wash your hands, or even take a shower. Another thing about plumbing issues is that they are never in-between. They are either too inexpensive and simple to fix or too expensive and complex to fix. Therefore, avoiding these issues is essential, especially when remodelling your kitchen or renovating your bathroom.

Another crucial thing is to ensure that you don't hire a bad contractor, which is why you keep having plumbing issues. Whenever there's an issue with your pipes, one of the first things to do is to check for potential signs that will help you find the cause. A diagnosis of the problem is required. This is even before you contact a plumber or a contractor to find a solution to the problem.

In many cases, you can always find a plumbing company ready to examine your home for free and provide you with a thorough and detailed report of the situation. For someone planning a renovation, or if you recently moved to another house, you might need to carry out a pipe demo. Today, many instruments are designed to help detect possible leaks in a plumbing system.

This instrument makes it so much easier to avoid future problems in a plumbing system. There are always hidden signs to look out for when identifying issues in your plumbing system. Plumbing issues are generally challenging to diagnose. Remember that not every part of the piping framework is visible; as such, you should only focus on the flow of water from the pipes if you want to identify issues that require repair or replacement. Let's get into the details of diagnosing plumbing issues.

Common Signs Of Plumbing Problems

Here are different signs of plumbing problems that you should pay attention to.

Banging sounds

You might want to think that a blockage is responsible for the thumping you hear from your pipes, especially when you run the water heater, sink, or shower. However, that might not be the case, and the problem could be due to a strain. High water pressure can likely cause the pipes to knock into one another or increase their tendency to jerk up into one another.

This can cause the interior part of the framework to bend and potentially cause holes. Therefore, it's best to contact a plumber immediately after you start to experience thumping. There are so many sounds to pay attention to, but when you hear pipes banging, it could indicate a severe issue.

The noise can be after you turn off the water supply or even while the water is running. This can also be during the day or at night. If you're wondering why your pipes keep banging and how you can solve these problems, here's what you should know:

Old cartridge

With time, the aerators can become clogged with mineral deposits, which can alter the mesh filter's performance, thereby causing a leak.

Faulty faucets

The faucets are also a point to pay attention to. You know there's a fault in the tap when you start to hear the rhythmic and persistent sound it gives, which is more prominent when no one is in the house.

Water hammer

Resolving the water pounding starts with checking the funnelling immediately after the problem starts, and this is so you can identify the vibrating or free parts that require attention. The next thing is to check the air chamber for potential issues.

The air chamber serves as a divider, and it's mostly linked with the tub or sink. This part helps absorb the shock sent when water is stopped abruptly. However, a fault in this component can alter its efficiency, and you might need to get a replacement.

Water pressure

High water pressure can also cause banging sounds in the water pipes. The good thing is that modern homes these days come with pressure control valves to control the water supply within the pipes. In general, the water pressure in your home should be within 40 to 80 psi, especially for water supplied to the dishwasher or similar appliances.

Copper pipes

The critical thing to note about this type of pipe is that they expand when boiling water passes through them, and this can also cause the banging sound you hear in the pipes. Also, the contraction of the pipes can cause the pipes to break. These are vital things that you should know about this type of pipe.

Unusual water colour

If you notice dirty or putrid water coming out of your pipes, it may indicate an issue within the piping framework. It's either the pipes have iron, sulphur, or air in them, or they might have rusted. If the water coming out of the pipe is red, yellow, or brown, it's due to corroded pipes. However, if it's blue or green water, then you know that it's due to the oxidation of copper within the pipes.

Having coloured water from your pipes will only frustrate you, especially if you have to bathe, shower, or cook with this water. The coloured water could result from many things, which may require professional attention in some cases. Below are some of the probable reasons you have coloured water coming out of your pipes:

Reddish water

The zinc layer of your pipe can either be made from steel or electrified iron. If this wears off, the steel or iron becomes exposed and eventually rusts, thereby causing the accumulation of minerals within the pipes.

As the rust comes in contact with water, it dissolves and changes the colour of the water to red. Using this water can leave different adverse effects, including changing the colour of your furniture and clothing. It can also affect the overall taste of your food if you use the water for cooking. You'll need to replace your pipes with a new one if you start to notice reddish water coming out of them.

Green water

If the colour of the water coming out of your pipe is green, it could be a sign of green growth in the pipe system. Blockages within the framework can cause green growths to form over time. For this, you may need to hire a plumber to help you identify the area where the blockage is coming from and also clean the green growth.

With age, copper pipes leave green deposits in the water, and this will cause stains in your tubs and sinks. Copper is toxic when taken in large quantities, and this can cause damage to different organs in your body. If you notice green water coming out of your pipe, it's a sign to respond quickly and replace the copper pipes immediately.

Yellow water

In a situation where the colour of the water coming out of the pipe is yellow, it's a sign that there's an issue with the water distribution centre in the city you live in. It could be that a fire hydrant within the region has failed or is being used. Similarly, a potential repair is being done on one of the conduits in your area. The best thing to do in this type of situation is to contact the conveyance office in your region to report the problem.

Purple, pink, or blue water

Purple or pink water indicates the production of potassium permanganate from the oxidation of manganese and iron. If the purple colour persists, it will require urgent attention, but if it's pink, you know the situation is improving. In the same vein, if the colour is blue, it's an indication that the tank sanitiser of your lavatory is mixed with your water supply.

Grimy water

For a water framework that was recently renovated, there will likely be soil or residue within the water lines. This is a widespread problem in homes that only got renovated recently, and it's usually the fault of the builder or contractor. We recommend fixing the problem immediately if you notice soil within the water coming from your tap. Avoid drinking degraded water as it can lead to different health challenges.

Dirty water

Dirty water coming out of your pipe could be due to different factors. In some cases, it could result from an illicit or catastrophic event. The best thing to do when you notice a strange smell in your water is to inspect the problem immediately.

This is because it may be due to contamination from human waste or a synthetic compound. With that said, you may need to contact the water division within your region to check for potential water pollutants.

Low water pressure

If the water from your tap does not come out with the same strength as it used to, the issue could be low water pressure. This may be due to a blockage in the showerhead or other more severe problems.

You just may want to call an expert plumber to solve this type of problem and correct the low water pressure issue. Here are some possible reasons why you likely have low water pressure in your home:

An issue with your pipes

You just might need to call a professional plumber if your valves are both open so that there are no issues with your piping installation. The plumber will be able to examine the entire framework and identify where the problem is coming from. Irrespective of your home's age, there's possibly an obstruction somewhere in the piping system, which could be why you experience low water pressure.

The critical thing to note about this blockage is that it usually develops after a while. If you contact a plumber, they will be able to identify and remove the obstruction with the aid of an extension. Eroded lines could also be a reason why you have low water pressure. This is a significant issue that also requires quick attention. Whatever the case may be, handling the problem quickly is advisable.

Defective pressure regulator

Low water pressure may be due to a faulty pressure controller. This can also lead to high water pressure; if you notice any changes in the pressure of water, you may need to replace the pressure controller.

Deficient water supply

Homes usually have their own water supply line; as such, additions to the water system can alter the sufficiency of the main distribution lines. It's advisable to have a copy of the dimension of your supply line before making any improvements to your water supply line.

Water line break

Frost damages can also occur in water lines, and this can cause leaks. It's best to inspect your water line for cracks to avoid severe water damage. Old water lines can cause significant breaks and leaks and also potentially threaten the integrity of your home structure.

Slow draining

Slow drains in the sink or tub are primarily due to obstructions. Fortunately, clearing these issues is very easy, and you can do this with baking soda or vinegar. If you try using these substances and the drain doesn't remove them, there could be a more serious issue causing the slow drain. You might just need to call a licensed plumber to analyse the situation for you.

Other Signs To Pay Attention To

Consistent dripping

A trickle dribble noise is also a sign of issues within your plumbing system. If the sound persists, you know that there's too much pressure in your lines or a broken valve. This type of issue can wear out the sink in your washroom, and the best thing to do is to call a licensed plumber to assess the situation for you.

High water bills

If you notice that your water bills continue to increase, even though your water consumption does not increase, you may need to check your plumbing system. We recommend hiring a plumber to check your pipes and find a potential leak in your plumbing system.

Tree blockage

Homes that are close to trees are at risk because the roots can push, squeeze, and break drain lines. This is a pivotal factor to pay attention to as well.

Additional green grass

If you notice green grass patches in your yard, and if an odd smell accompanies this, you may need to check that there are no holes in your sewer lines. This will only cause wastewater to enter your yard, which is not what you want. You may just need to call a plumber to fix this type of issue.

Tips To Prevent Plumbing Problems

Diagnosing plumbing problems begins with identifying the cause, and we have provided all you need to know to help you identify the problem quickly. However, it's always best to prevent these problems from occurring in the first place.

With the proper tools, you can easily uncover how to prevent problems like clogged drains, bursting pipes, and leaks. Whether it's your new home or an old one, it's always good to pay attention to the plumbing details and be on the lookout for signs that indicate potential problems in the plumbing system.

Here are some beneficial pointers that will help you avoid plumbing problems before they lead to severe damage:

Leaky toilet

Toilet leaks or running toilets remain some of the most common plumbing issues that people deal with. Even though toilets rarely wear out, their parts are prone to developing problems. Leaks are the most notorious issue associated with toilets, which can lead to a significant amount of water loss.

To avoid severe damage, it's best to perform tests regularly to check whether there's a leak. You can do this with food colouring; you only need to pour the colouring into the toilet and leave it overnight. If you find the colour in the toilet bowl in the morning, you know that there's a leak that requires fixing.

Clogging tub, shower, or bathroom sink drain

It's straightforward for bathroom drains to become clogged with soap residue or hair, which can be very messy. You don't have to wait until everywhere becomes flooded. You can utilise a wet and dry vacuum for clearing the way out.

Kitchen sink backup

Grease, cooking oil, and other fatty substances can accumulate within the pipes of your kitchen sink and cause serious problems. You can avoid this by using a strainer to catch these types of substances and ensure that it's always clean. Alternatively, it's advisable to flush the sink with hot water periodically to melt accumulated soap and grease.

Water heater

Even though water heaters are designed to last long, they can still develop issues after a short time, and this can cause waterlog problems. It's advisable to regularly check the water heater for signs of leakage or rusting around the fittings. Don't hesitate to call a reputable and licensed plumber if you notice any problem that requires replacement or repair.

Laundry connection

This is also an important component that can cause serious problems. The connection hoses attached to your washing machine may be the weak link in your plumbing system. These hoses can burst, thereby causing large quantities of water to rush into your home and cause a mess.

To avoid this type of problem, it's advisable to check the hoses for blisters and cracks. Also, ensure that you turn off the water supply to the washer whenever the washing machine is not in use or when you're not at home.

DIY Or Hire A Plumber

In addition to everything above, getting homeowner insurance or a home warranty for your pipe framework is recommended. This will protect your finances, appliances, and plumbing system. Another thing you should note is that it's not every issue that you can try to fix by yourself.

Sometimes, you can apply DIY methods to fix the problem without making things worse, but other times you'll need to get a professional on the scene as soon as possible. Our advice is to always let a professional handle the job to ensure quality and long-lasting work.

Need an Experienced Plumber?

Tropical Coast Plumbing's team of experienced plumbers are here to offer you the best in residential and commercial plumbing solutions. Whether it be gas plumbing, emergency plumbing, blocked toilets, hot water installation or general plumbing, our plumbers know how to get the job done right.

Choose Tropical Coast Plumbing for the best:

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"With over 20 years of experience Tropical Coast Plumbing provide the best plumbing service and expert advice in QLD. Your local Plumber for Mackay, Townsville, Rockhampton and Yeppoon"
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